1 Stocks at Wroxall
2 Wroxall Abbey Wren Church. Leaning against the wall is the wrought irnwork whihc should surmount the garden gates - believed to be designed by William Clough-Ellis, architect of Portmerion
3 Wroxall Abbey
4 Wroxall Abbey - the basement had a railway for moving the coal from bunkers to boilers, including this turntable at an awkward corner
5 Wroxall Abbey, one of the coal wagons now full of rubbish
6 Wroxall Abbey, kitchen chimney jack
7 Wroxall Abbey - bells
8 Wroxall Abbey - fuse box
9 Wroxall Abbey - main switches
10 Wroxall Abbey. Some of the 'abbey' ruins though possible re-hashed by the Dugdales who rebuilt the Hall in 1860s
11 Wroxall Abbey. Garden walls possibly designed by Wren
12 Wroxall Abbey