1980 Puss in Boots4 images 1980 Ring Around the Moon3 images 1980 The Old Woman Who Lived in The Boot7 images 1981 Family Pride3 images 1982 Aladdin11 images 1982 Babes in the Wood5 images 1982 Bonaventure1 image 1982 Fools Rush In2 images 1982 Penelope Peabody1 image 1983 20s Show8 images 1983 Pygmalian4 images 1984 Cinderella10 images 1984 Confusions4 images 1984 Goldilocks10 images 1985 After the Fair2 images 1986 Jack and the Beanstalk18 images 1986 Owl and Pussycat6 images 1987 Major Barbara5 images 1987 Snow White8 images 1987 Wizard of Oz6 images 1988 Beggars Opera20 images 1988 Dick Whittington7 images 1988 Night Out4 images 1988 Toad12 images 1989 Alice47 images 1989 Members Evening14 images 1989 Oliver2 images 1989 Separate Tables6 images 1989 Summer Show20 images 1989 Through the Stage Door10 images New images 1968-791990-99